Pay a Warrior's salary: When you order office products, furniture, paper, toner, all of your every-day supply needs for the same prices you are currently paying and many items are 6% lower, including Jan-San, hazmat, PPE, medical supplies, and packaging. Most items arrive within 24/36 hours. Your items are tax deductible.
We have over 150,000 items in stock, including tech gear, furniture, maintenance and kitchenette items, ink, toner and office supplies. We also offer sourcing and procurement services for hard-to-find specialty items.
Support our Warriors and Veterans at
We want YOU to support our wounded warriors! Sadly, many corporations turn away our wounded military heroes simply because of their injuries. Help us create change by raising awareness, donating your time and support, or implementing a Wounded Warrior Program within your company.
Before sustaining permanent injuries, our wounded warriors were highly-trained military personnel. Given their training and experience, we believe that our warriors have much more to offer employers than their non-military counterparts, including an infallible work ethic, discipline and dedication.
We are proud to partner with Department of Veteran Affairs (CWT Program) and provide our services to the Department of Defense and all Federal agencies.
United States Department of Defense
United States Coast Guard
United States Air Force
United States Army
United States Navy
United States Marine Corps
Supplied by Wounded Warrior Partners and working closely with military bases, federal agencies, commercial corporations, Warrior Transition Battalions and Soldier Care Units. The Wounded Warrior Program is designed to create meaningful employment opportunities for our nation’s veterans who have sustained permanent injury as a result of their service to our county.
Questions? We just might have the information you’re looking for. Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for a list of answers to the most common questions people have about the Wounded Warrior Program.
What is the Wounded Warrior Supply Program?
The Wounded Warrior Supply Program operated by our federal and corporate partners whose formation resulted from the partnership forged between themselves and the Wounded Warrior Program. The program provides meaningful private sector employment opportunities to our nation’s wounded warriors. Every purchase through the program aids in the fight against unemployment among U.S. Veterans who have sustained permanent injuries while serving our country.
Who does the Wounded Warrior Supply Program benefit?
The Wounded Warrior Supply Program benefits the Wounded Warrior Program, and their ongoing mission and objectives.
What is the Wounded Warrior Program?
The Wounded Warrior Program creates meaningful employment opportunities in the private sector for Americans, Veterans and wounded warriors in their transition from the battlefield to the workplace. Their mission is further supported by revenue generated through sales of business supplies and the sourcing and fulfillment of specialty health, emergency products, equipment, and appliances through the Wounded Warrior Supply Program.
Are you a wounded warrior seeking employment and having difficulty finding a job in the private sector? Or do you know someone who is? Visit our employment page for current career opportunities through the program.
The Wounded Warrior Program supports Humanitarian and Global Relief Efforts through Non Government Organizations (NGOs)and Federal Contractors providing Refugee Camps and other assistance for Emergency Disaster Response.
Donations to the Wounded Warrior Program, a 501c3 non profit organization, for Humanitarian Relief provide Medical Kits, Hygiene Kits, and PPE Kits among other relief supplies, and can be requested to be directed to specific support such as Ukrainian Medical Support, Ukrainian Refugee Support or other global relief efforts.
The Wounded Warrior Program procures relief supplies through MJL Enterprises LLC, a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business located in Virginia Beach VA. MJL is a US Federal Government Contractor providing Medical, Maintenance, Consumable and Safety/Security Supplies and Equipment to the Federal Government and US Military through a variety of long term Government and Military GSA, DLA and other contracts. Visit WOUNDED WARRIOR PROGRAM at www.WWPUSA.ORG and make your donations.
WWP relief kits go DIRECTLY to refugee camps and government NGO’s in direct support of relief efforts for direct distribution to refugees. WWP works directly with the companies and organizations that provide the on site, in country management of refugee camps and medical facilities. Companies such as USA Up Star , RANCO Response and others set up and manage the refugee camps, and partner with WWP for distribution of donated supplies. NGO’s like Global Response, receive the medical equipment and supplies and kits specifically for relief efforts.
WWP greatly appreciates any monetary donations in support of Medical and Humanitarian Relief.